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ENB:07:18 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Documents for this session include: A/CONF.164/INF/8 of 26 January 1994, "The Precautionary approach to fisheries with reference to straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks"; A/CONF.164/INF/9 of 26 January 1994, "Reference points for fisheries management: their potential application to straddling and highly migratory resources"; A/CONF.164/INF/10 of 27 January 1994," <W2I>Ad<D> <W2I>hoc<D> consultation on the role of regional agencies in relation to high seas fishery statistics"; and A/CONF.164/L.38 of 2 March 1994 "Conceptual approach to the conservation of straddling fish stocks by improving their management", submitted by the delegation of the Russian Federation.