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ENB:07:41 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) report, "Measures to Prevent Incidental Mortality of Seabirds During Fishing Operations", addresses the rising mortality of seabirds as a result of the increased long line fishing activities both inside and outside of the CCAMLR Convention Area. Management measures introduced in 1991 have helped reduce the level of mortality in the Area, but international cooperation is needed to address the effects of mortality outside the Area.

The FAO report "The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture" reviews the state of fisheries and aquaculture with particular attention to developments since 1989. It details world fish production, the growth in demand for fish, and issues in marine fisheries production. It examines problems related to fleet overcapacity and overinvestment in marine capture fisheries which have led to unsustainable resource use. The report includes an analysis of inland capture fisheries and highlights the increased role of aquaculture in the future food security equation. It also analyzes fish utilization and trade and regional supply and demand prospects. It closes with a survey of the prospects for satisfying the global demand for food fish to the year 2010.