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ENB:07:43 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


A Ministerial Meeting on Fisheries was held in Rome on 14 and 15 March 1995 at the invitation of the Director-General of FAO, Jacques Diouf, to review worldwide efforts to achieve sustainable fisheries development in preparation for the 1996 meeting of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD). To respond effectively to the current fisheries situation, the Meeting urged governments and IGOs to take prompt action to: reduce fishing to sustainable levels in areas and on stocks currently heavily exploited; adopt policies, apply measures, and develop techniques to reduce bycatch, discards, and post-harvest losses; review the capacity of fishing fleets in relation to sustainable yields of fishery resources; strengthen and support regional, subregional, and national fisheries organizations and arrangements for implementing conservation and management measures; continue and, when possible, increase technical, financial and other assistance to developing countries; encourage States to further develop ecologically sound aquaculture as an important contributor to overall food security; strengthen fisheries research and increase cooperation among research institutions; and increase consultation on fisheries with the private sector and NGOs.