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ENB:07:51 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Before opening the floor to delegations who were unable to make general statements earlier in the session, the Chair said informal consultations would continue over many unresolved issues. Revised text copy would be made available in due course. He said informal consultations during the morning had focused on Articles 21 and 22, and some further "tinkering" was required. He did not expect any substantial departure from the text and said he would inform delegates of the progress as it is made.

BRAZIL: Ambassador Henrique R. Valle stated that voluntary acceptance of compliance through inspection and boarding by all parties is essential for building confidence and achieving conservation and management goals. He claimed these aims were attainable within the scope of Article 21 without the limitations of paragraph (13), which are addressed in Article 43(2). He welcomed provisions concerning regional organizations, special requirements for developing countries and coastal subsistence communities.

SRI LANKA: Anton Attapattu emphasized the need for better conservation and management of SFS and HMFS and stated that Article 21 is of "paramount importance" in achieving these goals. He said his country is actively seeking to improve the management of these species and has drafted new domestic legislation for fisheries and aquatic resources. He encouraged States to accede to the agreement establishing the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC). He said it is important to establish a cooperative arrangement for the management of Indian Ocean tuna because catch rates have risen sharply over the past decade. Sri Lanka has assisted in this process by offering to host the IOTC Secretariat.

NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS: A representative speaking on behalf of the Offshore Fishworkers of Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Ecuador expressed concern over the final outcome of Articles 8, 15, 19, 20 and 21. He advocated the need for minimum international labor standards for fishworkers and requested the conference recommend that the General Assembly hold an international convention to regulate labor conditions for offshore fishworkers. He said old vessels continue to operate and the crews live under inhuman conditions. The representative noted fishermen are more apt to comply with management measures when they are aware of the resulting benefits and when they are able to participate in the formulation of regulations. In respect to transparency, he urged for explicit reference to the participation of social partners in the work of subregional and regional organizations in Article 15.

Before adjourning Plenary, the Chair said he would continue with informal consultations on Wednesday morning, and hoped to reconvene informal Plenary at 11:30 am. Noting the fluidity of informal consultations, he suggested that delegates consult the Journal for any changes.

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