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ENB:08:02 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: This morning's meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am in the Trusteeship Council Chamber. The first item of business will be consideration of agenda item 2(d) "Participation of non-governmental organizations in the preparatory process." The PrepCom will be asked to adopt A/CONF.167/PC/L.4, which lists 68 NGOs that have requested accreditation. Following a decision on this item, the Plenary will return to the general debate. Statements are expected this morning from Israel, Mauritius, China, Micronesia, UNESCO and WHO. In the afternoon, look for statements from Cook Islands, C“te d'Ivoire and Kiribati. If the general debate concludes early enough this afternoon, UN agencies may present their statements relevant to A/CONF.151/PC/6, "Overview of system-wide activities relevant to General Assembly resolution 47/189."

Look for an announcement today from Amb. Wensley about a change in the Bureau. The new Vice-Chair from Romania will be Jon Barac, as Marian Dinu has been posted to Washington.

IN THE CORRIDORS: Look for activity in the corridors in preparation for Thursday's expected presentation of a draft programme of action. This document is being drafted by a working group composed of AOSIS countries led by Cuba. The draft text is likely to be presented today to the G-77 for its consideration. They hope that this draft will serve as the basis for further discussion during informal consultations later this week. Look for this document to propose the establishment of a Small Islands Technical Assistance Programme with an office within the UN system and a series of regional Centres for Sustainable Development.

AT THE HELMSLEY HOTEL: AOSIS invites all Conference participants (including NGOs) to an "Island Night" reception this evening from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Knickerbocker Suites at the Helmsley Hotel, 212 E. 42nd Street.

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