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ENB:08:08 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Chair convened a brief formal session of the Plenary at noon, after the conclusion of the G-77 meeting and other informal consultations. Colombia, on behalf of the G-77 and China, formally introduced documents, A/CONF.167/ PC/L.5 and Add.1, "Position of the Group of 77 and China on Basic Elements for An Action Programme for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States." These two documents contain Chapters 1 - 15 that were discussed informally by the Plenary on Friday and Tuesday. Colombia mentioned that this document was only being introduced for procedural reasons, as a revised version of this document was now available.

As no other delegations wished to take the floor at this time, the Chair adjourned the meeting to allow delegations the opportunity to review the new G-77 papers. She said that she would convene an informal session at 3:00 pm.