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ENB:08:10 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


On the last day, the PrepCom agreed to request the General Assembly to explore the options for continuing the work of the preparatory process. Delegates are deeply divided on this issue, as the Plenary discussion indicated. The European Community, the Nordic countries and the US do not believe a second session is necessary, given the current budgetary constraints within the UN system. The US expressed the view that a second PrepCom is inconceivable as long as UN peacekeepers were being killed due to insufficient funding. The G-77 and AOSIS support a second PrepCom. Canada, Australia and New Zealand are willing to consider the possibility, but asked for more detail on the financial implications and insisted that SIDS have adequate representation. If the General Assembly agrees to convene a second session, it is likely to take place in February 1994.