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ENB:08:14 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The PrepCom resumed its discussion of Chapter XV, Implementation, Monitoring and Review, of the Draft Programme of Action. Delegates began with paragraph 63 bis, action at the national level, as drafted by AOSIS/G-77 in response to comments made by the European Union at the first session of the PrepCom.

Paragraph 63 bis.1 Finance: There was a clear difference of approach on this issue as some emphasized the re-prioritization or resource allocation at the national level, while others stressed the inadequacy of financial resources. Consequently, part of the text remained in brackets.

Paragraph 63 bis.2 Trade: Agreement could not be reached on the degree of emphasis attached to the expansion of export capacity as opposed to the need for import substitution. These provisions remained bracketed.

Paragraph 63 bis.3 Technology: This sub-paragraph proved to be one of the most controversial particularly relating to intellectual property rights as they apply to indigenous knowledge and natural resources. Some argued that property rights apply to the resources themselves while others argued that they only apply to knowledge used to exploit them. It was added that technologies should also be developed by SIDS themselves.

Paragraph 63 bis.4 Legislation: It was agreed that new legislation and enforcement measures would have to be adopted where appropriate but that the specificity of SIDS would not always allow for the direct transposition of traditional western concepts.

Paragraph 63 bis.5 Institutional Development: Amendments proposed by some developed countries were met with some hostility by developing countries as references to the strengthening of national institutional capacity was construed as an interference in internal affairs. The tripartite approach, -- national, regional and international -- was reiterated. This was left in brackets.

Paragraph 63 bis.6 Information and Participation: This presented no problem other than a suggestion by a delegate to add religious leaders to the list of groups that have to become involved in the sustainable development of SIDS.

Paragraph 63 bis.7 Human Resource Development: Still unresolved is the issue of how holistic a definition of human resource development should be used. Some delegates cautioned against language that would not place enough emphasis on training.

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