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ENB:08:17 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The first session of the PrepCom was held in New York from 30 August - 10 September 1993. By the conclusion of the two-week session, the PrepCom had set the process in motion for the adoption of a programme of action for the sustainable development of SIDS. The draft Programme of Action contains chapters on the following: climate change and sea level rise; natural and environmental disasters; management of wastes; coastal and marine resources; freshwater resources; land resources; energy resources; tourism resources; biodiversity resources; national institutions and administrative capacity; regional institutions and technical cooperation; transport and communication; science and technology; human resource development; and implementation, monitoring and review. While delegates were able to reach agreement on the majority of the chapters in the Programme of Action, the preamble and the chapter on implementation, monitoring and review remained entirely in brackets. As a result, delegates called for an additional session of the PrepCom to be convened so that negotiations could continue.