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ENB:08:21 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Continuing the first reading of the AOSIS/G-77 non-paper on Section D of Chapter XV (Implementation, Monitoring and Review), the Committee began with paragraph 16. For clarity, it was agreed that reference to mechanisms for consultation in regional cooperation should include regional and sub-regional agencies and banks. It was agreed that such mechanisms should be first identified and then devised, where appropriate. In paragraph 17, it was agreed that sub-regional as well as regional non-UN bodies should take up the Programme of Action. Consultations continue on reference to regional economic integration organizations. In paragraph 18, relating to the role of the regional commissions, there was discussion on what authority should be granted to regional commissions and regional offices of UN agencies and how the Programme of Action should relate to ongoing UN decentralization. It was agreed that the Secretariat should seek clarification with the regional commissions.

After further consultations, agreement was reached on paragraph 11 of the non-paper, which now reads: "UNCTAD should have a strengthened capacity to carry out, in accordance with its mandate, the research and analysis necessary to complement the work of the DPCSD with respect to the implementation of this Programme of Action."


Paragraph 62: After much discussion on the nature of the agreements reached in Rio, the brackets around the first sentence were removed after delegates agreed on the following: "The Programme of Action is an opportunity for the international community to demonstrate its commitment to the means of implementation adopted in Agenda 21."

Paragraph 64: It was agreed that the first sentence, referring to the relationship of Agenda 21 to this Programme of Action, should remain in brackets until it is placed in the Preamble.

Paragraph 67: The brackets remain around the whole paragraph. It was suggested that reference to Chapter 27 of Agenda 21 be deleted since it is too specific. Others asked that the last sentence be placed at the beginning of the paragraph. One group objected, arguing that NGOs could only be partners in the decision-making process, not decision making per se, thus implying a consultative role.

Paragraph 70: After consultations, delegates agreed to the following: "In order to achieve greater and more stable export earnings, SIDS should seek to develop a more diversified production structure for goods and services which exploits existing or potential comparative advantages and which is consistent with environment and development policies which are mutually supportive."

Paragraph 73: Brackets were removed and the amended text reads: "Appropriate national measures for institutional development should be taken to integrate environmental, population and development strategies in national and sectoral development planning in order to achieve sustainable development."

Paragraph 74: After much debate it was agreed to delete reference to religious leaders and to insert reference to religious authorities elsewhere, possibly in paragraph 67.

Paragraphs 76-80: These paragraphs are now incorporated into the AOSIS/G-77 non-paper. It was agreed that references to the public and private sectors should remain in brackets wherever the paragraphs now appear, pending further consultation.

Paragraph 91: As no one could fully understand the meaning of the text, it was agreed that Australia would coordinate informal consultations on this paragraph and paragraph 92, which both address trade.

Paragraph 93: It was clarified that UNCTAD would carry out the study on the effects of trade liberalization. It was suggested that "globalization" be replaced with "global competition" and questions were raised as to the scope of the study. There will be further consultations.

Paragraph 99: The brackets were removed and the paragraph now reads: "Invite the Executive Board of UNDP to coordinate a feasibility study in collaboration with SIDS and relevant sub-regional organizations for the implementation of...(SIDS/NET)."

It was agreed tht the same reference to UNDP and sub-regional organizations used in paragraph 99 be applied in paragraph 100 bis. The brackets were removed from paragraph 104 on the CSD. After queries as to how the vulnerability index will operate, New Zealand was asked to coordinate consultations on paragraph 117.

At the close of the morning session the EU introduced a composite text on finance that placed all the relevant paragraphs in the draft Programme of Action together. If agreement can be reached as a whole, the paragraphs could then be placed appropriately in the text. The group stressed three approaches: use existing resources more sustainably; prioritize resources towards sustainable development; and mobilize new and additional resources.

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