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The Barbados Programme of Action requested UNDP to undertake a study of the feasibility of developing SIDS/NET, an information- sharing network for SIDS. The results of this feasibility study were submitted to the General Assembly in document A/49/414.

SIDS/NET proposes linking SIDS using computer mediated communications technologies now in use around the world. UNDP recommends using a phased approach for implementing a flexible solution to give SIDS full access to global computer networking as a tool to help them integrate within the world economy. SIDS/NET is based on catalytic donor funding, on cost sharing and cost recovery. It depends on user participation as a principle of implementation and as a principle of operation. SIDS/NET, which will rely heavily on entrepreneurship, will require capacity building to enhance the ability of SIDS to benefit from these computer communication technologies that will help overcome their relative isolation. The estimated cost for SIDS/NET is US$30.9 million.

UNDP recommended that: the SIDS/NET programme should begin as soon as possible and no later than 1 July 1995; SIDS should take the initial steps to approach the donor community as soon as possible; SIDS should begin a programme to increase understanding and awareness of SIDS/NET; and feasibility studies need to be undertaken in SIDS to determine a solution specific to their local needs and circumstances.