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ENB:09:02 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: The Plenary is scheduled to begin this morning at 10:00 am although regional group meetings may delay the start of deliberations. The first item for consideration will be the rules of procedure. After adopting the rules of procedure, the Chair is expected to take up the next item, adoption of the agenda. The Executive Secretary of the ICCBD, Angela Cropper, will introduce the revised draft programme of work. It is expected that delegation comments on this matter will take up the remainder of the morning session.

WORKING GROUP I: After the Plenary resolves the procedural matters, Working Group I may commence discussion on the topic "Conservation and Sustainable Use". UNEP, UNDP and the World Bank will provide brief overviews of the categories of action for reducing biodiversity loss that they have supported.

WORKING GROUP II: If and when Plenary moves on from the procedural matters, Working Group II will commence discussion of the substantive topic of the institution(s) operating the financial mechanism. GEF Administrator Ian Johnson will speak on the GEF and is likely to highlight the outcome of the Replenishment Meeting and Participant's Assembly held two weeks ago in Washington. If time is available discussion will follow on the characteristics desired in the institution(s) operating the financial mechanism under the Convention.