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ENB:09:05 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: Last night's plenary consisted of country statements as well as presentations by international organizations and NGOs. Today's afternoon Plenary will focus on reports from both working groups and may adopt resolutions if consensus has been reached among regional groups. At the close of Thursday night's plenary, the Chair announced that he would like countries to consider the Secretariat's suggestions regarding the dates and location of the COP (November 28 through December 9, 1994); the next ICCBD (March 10-19, 1994 or June 20-30, 1994) and, possibly, the ISTAC.

WORKING GROUP I: An informal copy of the ISTAC group's document will be distributed this morning. The report on the rearrangement of the Chair's list of priorities was delayed due to conflicts with the meetings of the other small group on ISTAC. However, a revised version will be available this morning.

WORKING GROUP II: The Chair announced yesterday that Working Group II would meet this morning to consider its report. The Chair will have prepared a "balanced" paragraph in this report that reflects the work of the non-consensus drafting group on the interim financial mechanism. Look for debate on this issue.