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ENB:09:06 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Hartwig de Haen addressed the Plenary in commemoration of World Food Day, an annual observance since 1979. The theme for 1993 is "Harvesting Nature's Diversity," to emphasize the link between the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and food security, sustainable agriculture, environmental management, and international trade in commodities.

De Haen noted that while the new biotechnologies can enhance the productivity and diversity of domesticated crops and livestock, there are risks of misuse and accidents in their application. In addition, the new biotechnologies may increase, at least temporarily, the gap between rich and poor. He proposed greater involvement of developing countries in the responsible development and use of appropriate biotechnologies to meet their own needs.

He added that the concept of farmers' rights, introduced by FAO member nations, recognizes the value of the contribution of farmers and rural communities to the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources and their right to share in the benefits. He concluded that mutual responsibility among nations for the conservation, development, management and use of genetic resources and biodiversity are essential for future generations. As well, economic incentives for farmers to conserve biodiversity in agriculture are needed.