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Due to the highly political and sensitive nature of the policies, strategies and eligibility criteria, these issues were discussed in general terms and then shelved until the COP. No recommendations were developed. Discussion of measures to ensure that the mechanism functions under the authority of, and be accountable to, the COP, in accordance with Article 21, produced divergent opinions. Australia, Zimbabwe, the US and the UK recommended that the institution chosen should report to the COP and should not be micro-managed. Pakistan, the Bahamas and Malaysia supported the creation of an intermediary body that would evaluate how the COP's guidance is being adhered to. There was general agreement that the mechanism should operate within a democratic system of governance. The definition of the term "full incremental cost" was not discussed.

With respect to eligibility, the Convention provides for access to financial resources under the Convention for "developing countries." Many States, both developed and developing, did not see the determination of what is a "developing country" as an appropriate exercise for the ICCBD. Also the question of eligibility for access to grants vis a vis concessional financing was left to the COP.