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ENB:09:19 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The newly-appointed Chair reminded delegates of the exhaustive list of agenda items and called on them to make interventions relevant to the texts submitted before the COP. He urged for speed and efficiency, to provide for more flexibility next week.


The Executive-Secretary, Angela Cropper, introduced document UNEP/CBD/COP/1/5 on this topic. Germany, on behalf of the EU, proposed three distinct levels upon which guidelines for the financial mechanism should be developed. Algeria, on behalf of the G-77, questioned the appropriateness of bringing to the COP new interpretations of the substantive provisions of the Convention. He expressed hope that the agreement reflected in Annex III could be elaborated upon by the COP. He added that the question of poverty and the issues of technology transfer and funding must be concretely addressed.

China said that developed countries have a responsibility to assist in the mobilization of financial resources to help finance the incremental costs. He added that the GEF should clarify the proportion of financial assistance to be allocated for the Biodiversity Convention. Colombia urged that since all developing countries are eligible for funding, there is no need for a specific list of countries.

Finland emphasized the need for biodiversity to be protected in all areas of the world, regardless of whether they are rich or poor in biodiversity resources. Brazil urged delegates to focus only on the bracketed text. Malaysia requested further clarification of the EU proposal and called for the discussion on programme priorities to build on the agreed text in Annex III. Kenya said that any policy framework would be meaningless without any reference to the social dimensions, especially the alleviation of poverty. Sweden urged against the global list idea. He added that discussion on the draft indicative list of incremental costs in Annex IV should be postponed until the significance of these costs has been fully clarified. Cameroon, on behalf of the African Group, noted that any institutional structure will have to be accountable to the COP. The UK noted the important distinction of the role of the COP to provide both policy and operational guidelines for the financial mechanism. Norway supported Sweden and said that it was possible to improve on the preciseness of the guidance to financial mechanism. India urged that the text agreed in Nairobi be used as the basis of discussions.

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