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ENB:09:19 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Western Canada Wilderness Committee: Biodiversity Destruction in Canada's Temperate Rainforests-A slideshow presentation from 8:30-9:45 am at the Eleuthra Room, Crystal Palace Hotel.

<B>UNEP:</B> National Biodiversity Studies: Strategies and Action Plans from 1.00 - 2:45 pm at the Eleuthra Room, Crystal Palace Hotel.

<B>Ramsar:</B> Opportunities for Co-operation between the Ramsar Convention and the COP from 6:00-8:00 pm. at the Eleuthra Room, Crystal Palace Hotel.

<B>The Nature Conservancy:</B> NGO Access to GEF Projects at 3: 00 pm. in the Cat Island Rooms A & B, Crystal Palace Hotel.

<B>NGO Meeting:</B> Implementation and Enforcement of the COP at 10 a.m in the Cat Island (Lobby Level), Tower M, Crystal Palace Hotel.