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Algeria, on behalf of the G-77 and China, said that the secretariat is the keystone for the implementation of the Convention and that it required the necessary level of financial resources, particularly for preparatory work for COP-II. He proposed that the Interim Secretariat prepare a comparative note based on the precedents set by other Conventions to provide a clearer picture of budgetary needs. Canada raised the need for: budgetary flexibility; a secretariat that was not top-heavy in nature; and linkage between the host organization and location of the secretariat. Germany, on behalf of the EU, said that costs should be reduced and the budget for 1995 should be based on the budget of the Interim Secretariat. Australia said the draft budget was consistent with: the needs of the medium-term programme of work; the prompt start of the SBSTTA; and the provision of information to Parties. Japan said that the proposed budget of $6 million was high and recommended that personnel be streamlined and the number of working languages be reduced in the SBSTTA. Spain said that the discussion of the location of the secretariat and the extension of the Interim Secretariat was important. Switzerland reiterated his Government's offer to house the secretariat free of charge, at least until 1998 and its willingness to provide substantial support for the secretariat beyond its obligations as a Party to the Convention. Sweden questioned who would finance the 1995 budget, which will actually become operational in a few weeks. Norway supported a budget that would maximize the secretariat’s effectiveness and urged for realistic figures. UNESCO affirmed its offer to provide, free of charge, several full or part time UNESCO staff in several substantive areas. FAO said that it was prepared to second a biodiversity and agriculture programme officer at its own expense. China supported Brazil that no developing country should contribute more than the developed countries. An open-ended contact group chaired by Mauritania worked to resolve outstanding issues in this agenda item. (See page 8.)

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