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FAO FOREST MINISTERS MEETING: Forest Ministers will meet at FAO headquarters from 17-18 March, 1995 in Rome.

THIRD SESSION OF THE COMMISSION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The third session of the CSD will meet on 11-28 April, 1995 in New York to consider (among other issues) the following chapters of Agenda 21, which are related to the Biodiversity Convention: 10 (land management); 11 (forests); 12 (desertification); 14 (sustainable agriculture); 15 (biological diversity); and 16 (biotechnology).

THIRD IUCN GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY FORUM: The IUCN will host the third Global Biodiversity Forum sometime in May, 1995 in Nairobi. The Forum will bring together scientists, policy-makers and NGOs to address many of the substantive issues. The IUCN will also be organizing two workshops on economic themes. The first one will address the economic roots of biodiversity loss in June 1995 in Turkey. The second one will address alternative sources of funding for biodiversity in September 1995 in Sri Lanka.

FIRST MEETING OF THE SBSTTA: The first meeting of the SBSTTA will be convened on 4-8 September, 1995 in Paris. The SBSTTA will address those issues for which COP-I has specifically requested advice for COP-II.

AD HOC WORKING GROUP ON BIOSAFETY: The Panel of Experts of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Biosafety will meet in Egypt to prepare a background paper for the Working Group that will be held in Spain. The dates for both these meetings have not been finalized.

SECOND MEETING OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES: The second meeting of the COP for the Convention on Biological Diversity will meet from 6-17 November 1995. The location is not yet determined.

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