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ENB:09:37 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


UGANDA's Minister of State for Natural Resources noted environmental protection efforts, including public awareness and education. The Ambassador for Economic Affairs of the REPUBLIC OF KOREA urged that the clearing-house mechanism's (CHM) pilot-phase have a capacity-building focus in developing countries. SOUTH AFRICA's Deputy Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism stressed respect for human rights. BHUTAN's Deputy Minister of the National Environment Commission requested international community support for preservation efforts.

The US Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs said biosafety discussions must develop a framework for deciding whether the need for a protocol is established and how to proceed. JAPAN's Ambassador to Indonesia said Japan will promote biodiversity by providing financial and technical cooperation to developing nations and continuing domestic efforts. The SLOVAK REPUBLIC's Office of the Minister of Environment called for new tools to value biodiversity. The BAHAMAS Ambassador for the Environment recommended establishing an expert panel on marine and coastal biodiversity (MCB). DENMARK's Deputy Permanent Undersecretary of State advocated a biosafety protocol. The NETHERLANDS Director General for Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries offered assistance to the Secretariat for meetings on agrobiodiversity and will support a workshop on implementing sustainable forest management.

The Minister in the National Environmental Secretariat of LESOTHO explained that implementation of the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) has been slowed by poor capacity. The Minister of Environment, Habitat and Town Planning of BENIN juxtaposed sacred traditions with sustainable resource management. The Minister of Natural Resources and Energy of SWAZILAND linked biodiversity conservation to poverty alleviation and highlighted freshwater biodiversity.

The Ambassador of ALGERIA to Indonesia described a biodiversity inventory and efforts to conserve species through protected areas. The Director General of the National Centre for Environmental Research of MADAGASCAR described an action plan for new conservation initiatives. MOROCCO's Ambassador to Indonesia called for a workshop on cooperation between CBD and related conventions. The Director General of NIGERIA's Federal Environmental Protection Agency said Nigeria's ratification of CBD represents support for survival of life in all its ramifications. BANGLADESH's Ambassador to Indonesia said CBD must address poverty.

BULGARIA's Deputy Minister of the Environment urged technology transfer and encouraged regional approaches. The Ambassador of AUSTRIA's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said benefit-sharing and IPR are related. The Executive Director of ERITREA's Agency for the Environment said CBD should light a sacred fire for reverence of life and become an instrument of peace. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Planning and Environment for SEYCHELLES called on bioprospectors to contribute to biodiversity trust funds. The Director General of the Environment of EQUATORIAL GUINEA's Ministry of Health and Environment expressed support for ecotourism and opposition to biopiracy. The Director of Cabinet, Minister of Environment and Nature Protection of SENEGAL supported a biosafety protocol as a vehicle for technology transfer. A representative of RWANDA's Minister of Environment and Tourism called for resources for countries experiencing humanitarian or ecological disasters. SOLOMON ISLANDS' Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, also on behalf of PAPUA NEW GUINEA, expressed outrage at the patenting of human genetic resources and called for an advisory opinion of the ICJ.

Undersecretary of State for POLAND's Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry called for a flow of information to enhance technology transfer. On behalf of AOSIS, the Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Quality of Life noted the special significance of biosafety to SIDS. The Minister of Lands, Surveys and Environment of WESTERN SAMOA noted the high priority for implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for SIDS. The Conseil du Ministre de l'Environnement pour le Suivi de la Conference de Rio of FRANCE explained that her country is aware of its responsibilities regarding nuclear testing. The Ambassador of PAKISTAN to Indonesia called for new and additional resources. The Ambassador of CHILE to Kenya endorsed the COP initiative on MCB. The SRI LANKAN Ambassador to Indonesia expressed concern over access to genetic resources, biosafety and indigenous knowledge.

The UK Head of Environment Protection International, Department of Environment, noted the huge workload COP-2 is setting for SBSTTA and COP-3, and stated that COP is not an appropriate forum for discussing nuclear testing. BURUNDI's Director General of the National Institute for Environment and Nature Conservation (IMECN) called for including forest ecosystems in the work programme. The Head of Representation of the EC in Indonesia, on behalf of the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY, called for the GEF to be the permanent financial mechanism.

The Ambassador of EGYPT to Indonesia underscored three essential elements to an effective CBD: international cooperation, financial resources and technology transfer. The President of CONAM, on behalf of PERU, called for a moratorium and code of ethics on LMOs. The Ambassador of JORDAN to Indonesia outlined efforts to combat desertification and deforestation. The Head of the TANZANIAN Delegation called for: concrete measures on CBD's equitable sharing provisions; access regimes for providers and recipients; and a biosafety protocol. ETHIOPIA's National Environment Protection Authority called for the operationalization of technology transfer and of the clearing-house and financial mechanisms. The Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of NICARAGUA noted the possibility of "conserving to produce, and producing to conserve" and supported devoting COP-3 to indigenous issues. ISRAEL's Ambassador to Singapore said biodiversity protection will be one result of peace in his region.

The Chair noted consensus, based on broad consultations, on the Jakarta Ministerial Declaration (UNEP/CBD/COP/ 2/L.2/Rev.1) which: reaffirms CBD as a global partnership; notes that COP-2 provides momentum for global agreement on consideration of the need for and modalities of a biosafety protocol; stresses biodiversity education and the importance of CHM for national implementation; and welcomes the establishment of a Secretariat position on indigenous and local communities issues. The COP declares the global consensus on MCB as the Jakarta Mandate on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity.

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