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ENB:09:39 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


COP-2 President Sarwono Kusumaatmadja opened the final Plenary and called on the Chair of the COW, Avrim Lazar, to introduce the agreements reached by the COW. The 18 draft decisions were introduced and adopted. China noted that in the decision on national reports (UNEP/CBD/COP/2/CW/L.10/Rev.1), some of the suggested content may be omitted if the country does not have the required information.

Peter Unwin then introduced two draft decisions on the budget. The first, regarding location of the Secretariat (UNEP/CBD/COP/2/L.5), expressed gratitude to the four bidding countries and made provisions for the move to Montreal. The second, regarding financing of and the budget for the Convention (UNEP/CBD/COP/2/L.6), required two changes: the CHM programme officer should be at the P-4 level and the budgeted amounts for "promotion, awareness raising and publication" under communications should increase. The Plenary adopted both decisions. Brazil noted with regret that no resolution was reached on rule 4 (administration of the trust fund). Turkey noted that its signing of the CBD and participation at the COP does not affect its position on the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The President then introduced a draft decision submitted by the G-77 and China regarding the date and venue of COP-3 (UNEP/CBD/COP/2/L.7/Rev.1). Spain noted that the dates for COP-3 coincide with the Summit on World Nutrition. Nevertheless, delegates accepted Argentina's offer to host COP-3 in Buenos Aires, from 4 to 15 November 1996.

The Philippines noted amendments to the G-77 and China's draft resolution on convening regional meetings for developing countries (UNEP/CBD/COP/2/L.4). The title should be "Convening of regional and subregional meetings for Parties to the Convention," and text should be changed accordingly. The text was adopted.

The Credentials Committee report was then presented by its Chair, A.K. Ahuja (India). She noted that the credentials for six Parties were not in order. Delegates agreed to the Bureau recommendation that those Parties be requested to submit their credentials by 1 December 1995. The Rapporteur, Zuzana Guziova (Slovakia), presented the draft report of COP-2 (UNEP/CBD/COP/2/L.1, Corr.1 and Add. 1-3), which was adopted.

Finally, Australia proposed a formal tribute to the Government of Indonesia, expressing sincere gratitude to the Government and its people, which the Plenary endorsed by acclamation. The President closed the meeting by thanking all who had contributed to the success of COP-2.

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