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ENB:09:41 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


A working group of the Commission consisting of two representatives from each of the seven FAO regions, met from 10-12 June in Rome in order to resolve the substantially bracketed text in the GPA. Completing its work at 1:00 a.m. on 13 June, the meeting made substantial progress in resolving a large number of issues. The final text of the Working Group deliberations will be presented to the Leipzig Conference, not as a formally negotiated text, but as a guide to help the deliberations.

The major unresolved issues relate to costing of the GPA and sources of funding. A number of G-77 countries are keen to see finances directed towards developing national capacities for ex situ collections rather than consolidating international gene banks. Some countries want more financial resources for in situ conservation.

The brief reference to Farmers’ Rights in the GPA remains unresolved. Some countries believe that Farmers’ Rights is better left to the renegotiation of the IU, and should not be an integral part of the GPA.