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All negotiation of text on implementation and financing of the GPA occurred in a closed contact group. Though observers predicted compromise language without strong funding commitments, it was reported that one delegation from a donor country had proposed incorporating reference to "new and additional financial resources". Some delegates stated that the Sixth Session of the CGRFA had decided that financing of the GPA would not be discussed at all at ITCPGR-4.

During the final session of the open-ended working group on the GPA, the Chair proposed that the section of the GPA on Cost Estimates and Sources of Funding be deleted and referred instead to the Third Extraordinary Session of the CGRFA. EGYPT expressed concern, but the Chair's proposal was adopted.

The sensitive issue of implementation and financing was finally resolved through informal consultations in the "Friends of the Chair" contact group. To expedite negotiations on the GPA, the Chair proposed that the language from the contact group be incorporated in the Report of Conference. This was adopted. Final language on financing of the GPA states that "funding should come from developed countries and/or other sources, and should, where possible, seek to facilitate the leveraging of other funding sources and mechanisms, and assist countries to implement the GPA."