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After some debate, the Working Group agreed to “focus the attention of COP-3” on the following recommendations:

BUREAU: HUNGARY, on behalf of the Eastern and Central European Group, proposed the establishment of a permanent Bureau for BSWG comprised of ten members. JAPAN, TUNISIA and MOROCCO objected to a permanent Bureau and asked that their views be recorded in the report of this meeting. The Chair proposed that COP-3 consider whether to establish a permanent Bureau for BSWG, given the importance of this issue to some delegations, and that it be comprised of ten officers. This was accepted by the Working Group.

FUTURE MEETINGS OF THE WORKING GROUP: Pending sufficient funds and Secretariat assistance, delegates agreed to hold two five-day meetings in 1997, tentatively scheduled for 12-16 May and 13-17 October. MAURITIUS proposed holding the second meeting back-to-back with the SBSTTA or the COP to minimize costs. COP-3 will determine the budget for 1997.