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ENB:09:48 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


As a basis for their future work, the Working Group requested that the Secretariat compile the three sets of background documents:

  • Content of a Protocol: A document containing the views of governments and the EC on the content of a future protocol, which would serve as the basis for the second meeting of the BSWG. Delegates agreed on a 31 December 1996 deadline for government submissions and an early March 1997 date for distribution of the document. Delegates also agreed that the Secretariat should prepare a document on agreed definitions of key concepts identified at BSWG-1.
  • International Instruments: A survey of international instruments addressing aspects of biosafety, to which governments would be invited to submit contributions. The additional resources required to undertake this work will be reflected in the proposed Secretariat budget submitted to COP-3.
  • Socioeconomic Considerations: A bibliography of relevant literature regarding both positive and negative potential socioeconomic effects of biotechnology. Delegates also agreed that governments would be invited to provide the Secretariat with information on existing studies on this matter.