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ENB:09:53 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The CHAIR proposed the adoption of UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/ WG.1/CRP.1/Rev.1 on Items 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 (assessment, monitoring, and indicators). The text was adopted with an addition by DOMINICA on funding for capacity building and institutional strengthening.

The CHAIR then proposed adopting UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/2/ WG.1/CRP.2, a recommendation on Agenda Item 3.12 (coastal and marine biodiversity). The UK proposed that the meeting of experts have regard to “the views of”, rather than “using”, the roster of experts more widely. AUSTRALIA proposed noting that “little”, rather than “no”, substantial action in the area of marine and coastal biodiversity occurred this year. After comments by DOMINICA, JAMAICA and CANADA, the CHAIR proposed amending the final paragraph to clarify that the COP should ensure the availability of resources to fill posts within the Secretariat. AUSTRALIA, supported by CANADA and SWEDEN, proposed deleting “including document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/2/14, of which the SBSTTA takes note”, but DOMINICA objected. GERMANY, supported by JAMAICA and MONACO, suggested retaining only the reference to the document. AUSTRALIA, supported by GERMANY, JAMAICA, and NEW ZEALAND, suggested “which the SBSTTA had before it”. DOMINICA expressed concern. The document was adopted as amended.

The CHAIR then proposed adopting the revised text produced by the contact group on agriculture and biodiversity. He noted that this text, which contained a bracketed reference to the GEF, represented a “delicate equilibrium”. NEW ZEALAND deleted a reference to “local breeding activities” from the paragraph on farmers’ knowledge, and replaced a reference to “SBSTTA” with text on the Secretariat’s role in initiating the work programme. CANADA introduced a related amendment on FAO collaboration and the role of the Secretariat. Supported by GERMANY and MOROCCO, and with NETHERLANDS' agreement, he also proposed removing brackets from a reference to the GEF. MALAWI objected to the removal.

SWEDEN and GERMANY reserved on a paragraph on the benefits to biodiversity which “have accrued from sustainable intensification of agriculture.” He said the paragraph does not reflect the current state of knowledge. GERMANY said agroindustry has created a multitude of environmental problems. The UK, supported by GERMANY, recommended that international funding agencies report to the COP, and not SBSTTA. SWITZERLAND introduced a new introductory paragraph on the important role of science in understanding the “dynamic, evolutionary and environmental processes which shape biodiversity”. The AFRICAN GROUP, supported by MALAWI and COSTA RICA, then called for an additional reference recognizing the status and role of indigenous people’s science. MOROCCO added resource management to a list of items for gap analysis. THAILAND replaced a reference to “bees” with "insect pollinators". PERU added a recommendation on strengthening indigenous communities’ in situ conservation. CUBA added a reference to soil biota in a paragraph on soil biological diversity. The draft recommendations were adopted as amended.

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