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The second session of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity opened on Monday, 2 September 1996. By the end of the first morning, the Plenary had suspended its work to allow the two working groups to meet. Both Working Groups 1 and 2 met until Wednesday, 4 September, interrupted only by a brief meeting of the Plenary on Tuesday, 3 September, to announce the election of new officers to the Bureau. On Thursday, 5 September, the Plenary convened a morning session to discuss SBSTTA’s modus operandi, medium term work programme and 1997 agenda. That afternoon both working groups met again, reconvening in the evening to finish drafting recommendations to the COP for consideration by the Plenary. The closing Plenary met on Friday, 6 September, to review and adopt the recommendations put forth by the two working groups.