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The Central and Eastern European (CEE) Regional Preparatory Meeting was held from 30 September - 2 October 1996 in Bratislava, Slovakia. Participants recommended that: provisions be included in the budget of the Trust Fund of the CBD Secretariat to help ensure full participation of CEE Parties at future meetings; support be given for the formation of national and regional biodiversity support groups to assist in the preparation of national reports; sub-regional focal points be considered; and collaboration and information sharing be strengthened at the regional level.

The African Regional Preparatory Meeting was held in Victoria, Mahe (Seychelles) from 9-10 October 1996. The Group recommended that: steps be taken to ensure the timely availability of documents in all UN languages; additional funding sources be identified for developing countries to enable them to actively participate and contribute to the objectives of the CBD; capacity-building be undertaken in taxonomy in developing countries; and the CHM be implemented at the national level in Africa.

The Latin American and Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting was held in Castries, Saint Lucia from 24-25 October 1996. Recommendations for COP-3 included: the establishment of a two-year budget cycle; a Secretariat staff position addressing the needs of small island developing States (SIDS); assurance that the CHM not be restricted to the Internet; and reduction of the SBSTTA-3 agenda.

The Asian Regional Preparatory Meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 25- 26 October 1996. With regard to the draft Memorandum of Understanding, delegates emphasized both the authority of the COP over the financial mechanism and the interim nature of the GEF’s status. Delegates discussed the possible role of the CHM as a mechanism for technology transfer and human resource development. Priority issues included: focusing the work of the SBSTTA; regional approaches to access to genetic resources; and the need for capacity-building and infrastructure development for implementation.

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