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ENB:09:60 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


AGRICULTURAL BIODIVERSITY: The Open-ended Working Group on Agricultural Biodiversity met Friday morning to hear the report of the drafting group, which was chaired by Braulio de Souza Dias (Brazil). The Working Group, which is chaired by Manfred Schneider (Austria), met Saturday to continue their review of the consolidated text and contentious issues were relegated to informal consultations. Two contact groups were established Saturday evening to address the work programme and funding issues. The Working Group concluded its work Sunday evening and produced a draft decision comprised of an operational section, a preamble and three appendices. Brackets remain around text regarding issues including trade impacts, market forces, the work programme and the relationship between the FAO Global System and the CBD.

FINANCE: Delegates to the Working Group on financial issues completed their first consideration of changes to the MOU (UNEP/CBD/COP/3/10) Friday morning. A G-77/China proposal, that the GEF “clearly indicate the reasons for which” the identified portion of the replenishment is considered new and additional funding, was bracketed. During a review of the G-77/China draft decision on guidance for the GEF, several developed countries indicated they would consider additional guidance based on the SBSTTA recommendations and matters on COP-3’s agenda, but did not want to reconsider the GEF guidelines before the 1997 review. Informal consultations were to take place with the goal of identifying additional elements for guidance along these lines. The Working Group then considered draft revisions regarding the review of the effectiveness of the financial mechanism and discussed the scope of the review and how to refer to GEF biodiversity activities, among other issues. A small consultation group was formed with the aim of producing a new draft decision regarding the review.