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FINANCIAL ISSUES: Issues discussed during the Working Group on financial issues included the following. On the G-77/China draft regarding additional financial resources, several delegates recalled their statements to the COW regarding the accuracy of documents on suggestions for funding institutions and additional financial resources (UNEP/CBD/COP/3/7 and 37). They did not support the proposal to take note of the information and recommendations contained in those documents. Discussion on the mechanism for the review of the effectiveness of the financial mechanism included whether an independent consultant should conduct a review or whether information should be gathered and reviewed by delegates during COP-4. Delegates discussed whether the MOU text should contain references to the GEF as the “interim financial mechanism” or not. The Group then examined the preambular paragraphs in the G- 77/China (CRP.2) and OECD (CRP.21) drafts regarding guidance to the financial mechanism, and continued into the night.

SPECIAL SESSION OF THE UNGA: The Working Group on the COP’s statement to the Special Session of the UNGA, chaired by Terry Jones (the Seychelles), based its discussions on CRP.7. Delegates added a subparagraph on terrestrial biodiversity and forests. Delegates deleted language on the lack of adequate financial resources as a main obstacle to the CBD’s implementation and added the need for “new and” additional financial resources. In a section outlining future challenges, delegates added a reference to collaboration with other relevant conventions and a subparagraph on public awareness and education programmes. Delegates replaced language on means to “protect” indigenous knowledge with means to “respect, preserve and maintain” this knowledge, and added a reference to benefit-sharing. The Group finished its work and submitted its decision to the COW.

FORESTS: Delegates met to consider the Chair’s draft text on the relationship between the COP and the IPF on matters related to forest biodiversity. Divisive issues in the debate included the need to distinguish the roles of plantation and natural forests in the conservation of biodiversity and establishing SBSTTA’s initial programme of work. With regard to SBSTTA, some delegates advocated expanding the programme to address underlying causes of loss of biodiversity, alien species introductions, and ecological landscape models. In the interest of efficacy, delegates decided to limit SBSTTA’s initial work programme to devising methodologies for biodiversity conservation as part of sustainable forest management and analyzing the impact of human activities on biodiversity loss, but recommended that SBSTTA consider the remaining recommendations for future action. While delegates welcomed the comprehensive work taking place under the IPF and acknowledged the cooperation between the IPF and CBD, they sought ways to develop common priorities and a focused work programme for forest biodiversity. An unbracketed text was forwarded to the COW.

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