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ENB:09:63 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Delegates to the Working Group on financial issues considered the draft decision on Additional Guidance to the Financial Mechanism. The preambular paragraph “underlining the importance of paragraph 4 of Article 20" remains bracketed, as does a reference in the operative section referencing the endorsement in the decision on identification, monitoring and assessment of SBSTTA recommendation II/2. Guidance based on COP-3 decisions was added regarding: capacity-building in biosafety; capacity- building related to Article 7; conservation and sustainable use related to agriculture; capacity-building and country-driven pilot projects related to the CHM; capacity-building related to access to genetic resources; and examination of support for capacity-building related to preservation of indigenous knowledge and practices. Text was also added calling for: targeted research that contributes to conservation and sustainable use; promotion of understanding of the importance of conservation and sustainable use; and preparation by the Secretariat and GEF of a proposal on the means to address the third objective of the CBD. Delegates also added text reconfirming the importance of support for incentive measures as contained in the Annex to decision I/2, paragraph 4(i), taking into account relevant provisions of the COP-3 decision on incentive measures. Delegates did not remove the brackets on the related text in the incentive measures decision.