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At its second meeting held in September 1996, SBSTTA adopted a modus operandi for the purpose of effectively managing its workload. The modus operandi is contained in Annex 2 to SBSTTA Recommendation II/11 and was introduced in the SBSTTA’s report to the COP (UNEP/CBD/COP/3/3) on Thursday, 7 November. The modus operandi recommends that the SBSTTA prioritize its issues in line with those of the COP and provide interpretation in additional languages. It also sets terms of office for SBSTTA Bureau members and recommends the use of liaison and expert groups and a roster of experts.

The EU endorsed the recommendations and, with INDIA, highlighted the need for prioritization. The US, supported by ETHIOPIA, BRAZIL, PORTUGAL, NEW ZEALAND, CHINA and INDIA, said that the SBSTTA provides the only opportunity for scientific and technical recommendations to the COP and should not recommend policy. NORWAY supported intersessional work by the SBSTTA, while INDIA opposed it. AUSTRALIA sought to limit ad hoc expert groups to three per year.

HUNGARY, on behalf of Central and Eastern European Countries, urged full participation of Parties at SBSTTA meetings and rotating chairs regionally. SPAIN, CHINA and PERU supported the recommendation regarding interpretation in additional languages, while the NETHERLANDS and JAPAN questioned the financial implications of providing translation in additional languages and its resultant impact on the body’s overall work programme.

The draft decision on the SBSTTA modus operandi (UNEP/CBD/COP/3/L.17), noting SBSTTA recommendation II/11 and deciding to consider the modus operandi as part of the programme of work at COP-4, was adopted in Plenary on Friday, 15 November, with the understanding that future meetings of SBSTTA would be serviced in the six official languages of the UN (UNEP/CBD/COP/3/L.27).