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Initial discussions on the implementation of Articles 6 and 8 in the COW, which took place on Wednesday, 6 November, were based on document UNEP/CBD/COP/3/11. Article 6 calls on Parties to develop national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and to integrate them into relevant sectoral policies, and Article 8 calls for a variety of measures to promote in-situ conservation. During discussion in the COW, several delegations emphasized the centrality of Articles 6 and 8 to the successful implementation of the Convention. The EU emphasized both in-situ and ex-situ conservation, integration of biodiversity into relevant sectoral policies, and benefit-sharing. SWITZERLAND called for regional coordination to accomplish conservation goals. CHINA called for GEF support and advice from SBSTTA. INDONESIA highlighted protected areas management and rehabilitation of degraded areas, and urged implementation of IUCN Guidelines on monitoring and conflict management in protected areas. INDIA said implementation requires action primarily at the national level. MALAYSIA called for full funding, without conditionality, for activities involving implementation of these articles. MADAGASCAR proposed an economic study of the value of biodiversity.

During consideration of the final draft decision on Implementation of Articles 6 and 8 (UNEP/CBD/COP/3/L.5), several countries, including CANADA, the EU and the G- 77/CHINA, highlighted the UN-Norway Conference on Alien Species and recommended that Parties use its results in their implementation of Article 8(h) (alien species). CANADA amended a recommendation to set measurable targets for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use objectives by not limiting these to national plans and strategies. HUNGARY added a reference to “legislation” in addition to national plans and strategies. The final decision also highlights that a central role of the CHM should be the sharing of experiences and dissemination of information relevant to Articles 6 and 8, and emphasizes that the first national reports, to focus on measures taken to implement Article 6, should be submitted no later than 1 January 1998.