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Agenda Item 13 focused on mechanisms to facilitate technology transfer, including the transfer of biotechnology, to achieve the objectives of the CBD. The Secretariat introduced background documentation (UNEP/CBD/COP/3/21) on this issue to the COW on Friday, 8 November.

During the COW’s discussion, the G-77/CHINA and SOUTH AFRICA sought an inventory of transferable technology. Many stressed the need for capacity building. The EU called for the establishment of an international framework to facilitate cooperation in technology transfer. MALAYSIA and the PHILIPPINES called for further development of the CHM and better definition of the GEF’s role and, with the REPUBLIC of KOREA, stressed increased private sector involvement. SWEDEN emphasized capacity building, incentives and enhancement of the CHM. CANADA supported networks to promote technology transfer, and the LATIN AMERICAN PLANT SCIENCES NETWORK highlighted training programmes in botany and biotechnology. The draft decision (UNEP/CBD/COP/3/L.16): takes note of decision II/4 of COP-2 on ways and means to promote access to and transfer of technology; notes that the issue will be dealt with at COP-4 regarding benefit-sharing from biotechnology; endorses recommendation II/3 of SBSTTA-2 calling for an integrated and sectoral approach to technology transfer; and emphasizes the importance of technology transfer in achieving the three CBD objectives.