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During initial interventions in the COW on Friday, 8 November, delegates discussed the compilation of information and experiences shared on the implementation of Article 11 (incentive measures). The discussion was based on UNEP/CBD/COP/3/24, Inf.36 and SBSTTA Recommendation II/9. The EU, UGANDA, on behalf of the African Group, INDONESIA, SWITZERLAND, NORWAY and the NETHERLANDS COMMITTEE FOR THE IUCN called for the removal of perverse incentives. The AFRICAN GROUP supported local incentive measures and a review of existing macroeconomic policies to ensure incorporation of biodiversity concerns. MALAWI, SENEGAL, CAPE VERDE and NEPAL called for private sector involvement. SOUTH AFRICA, CAPE VERDE and CANADA stressed involvement of local communities in the design and implementation of incentives. INDONESIA, SENEGAL and the AFRICAN GROUP highlighted capacity building. AUSTRALIA called for incentives including education and property rights.

The US, CANADA and PERU called for further sharing of information and case studies on incentive measures. INDONESIA called on SBSTTA-3 to provide technical advice to Parties in designing incentives, and recommended that the GEF make incentive measures a priority. MALAWI and SWITZERLAND recommended that incentives be a standing agenda item, whereas NORWAY called for its integration into thematic and sectoral issues.

Delegates convened informal consultations on this issue. The group agreed that incentive measures would be included “as appropriate” on the COP agenda and integrated into sectoral and thematic items. Delegates added language stressing the importance of taking appropriate action on incentives that threaten biodiversity and promoting positive incentives. A preambular paragraph was added recalling that economic and social development and poverty eradication are overriding priorities of developing countries. The group agreed on language requesting the Executive Secretary to prepare a background document for COP-4 on design and implementation of incentive measures. Delegates bracketed a paragraph recognizing national and international responsibility for developing and implementing incentive measures, but it was deleted in later COW negotiations.

Language was inserted in brackets requesting the GEF to include incentive measures among its priority activities and to support projects aimed at providing socio-economic incentives at the local, national and international levels. As a result, some delegates bracketed a related preambular paragraph recalling Decision I/2 (incentive measures as a programme priority for access to financial resources), because they did not want financing for incentives mentioned twice. During the final discussion in the COW, the preambular paragraph was deleted. The G-77/CHINA proposed that the brackets be removed from the paragraph requesting GEF action, but the paragraph was referred to the group discussing guidance for the GEF and does not appear in the final decision. In the decision (UNEP/CBD/COP/3/L.11), the COP also: recognizes that incentive measures are country-specific; encourages incorporation of market and non-market values of biodiversity into plans and policies; and requests SBSTTA to provide advice on the implementation of Article 11 in relevant thematic areas.

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