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Delegates discussed Agenda Item 19 in the COW on Monday, 11 November, with document UNEP/CBD/COP/3/31 as the basis for discussion. Many delegations called for priority-setting of the work programmes of the COP and SBSTTA. AUSTRALIA said the COP should set a well-focused medium-term work programme that takes into account its financial implications. JAMAICA called for streamlining activities to enable developing countries to participate more fully. The EU called for a distinction between items that only require additional information and those for which clear recommendations are needed.

The decision on the medium-term programme of work (UNEP/CBD/COP/3/L.19) takes note of the provisional agenda for COP-4 and SBSTTA-3 and establishes a review process of COP operations. During consideration of the draft decision in the COW, the EU proposal for a new paragraph requesting the SBSTTA Bureau to focus the agenda of SBSTTA-3 and to submit it to the Parties sufficiently in advance of the meeting was accepted. The decision invites views on the operations of the COP, the review of the programme of work for 1995-1997 and a longer-term programme of work, a synthesis of which will be considered at COP-4. The draft submitted to the COW invited views from Parties, States not Parties and other relevant institutions. The G-77/CHINA, supported by the EU, proposed deleting the reference to States not Parties. The US said the widest possible range of views should be solicited. Delegates agreed to AUSTRALIA’s suggestion to replac this term with “participants.”