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In the final Plenary, delegates accepted the Chair’s draft report of the meeting (UNEP/CBD/BSWG/2/L.1) and reviewed and amended each of the Chair’s draft elements papers. The amended versions of these texts will be compiled into a Chair’s summary of elements and attached to the report of the meeting. Delegates also accepted an addendum on the future work of the BSWG (UNEP/CBD/BSWG/2/L.1/Add.3) and detailed list of the Chair’s review of items that have been addressed by country submissions (UNEP/CBD/BSWG/2/CRP.1/Rev.1).

The addendum notes, inter alia, governments were invited to submit legal texts on the following issues: AIA; notification procedures; risk assessment and management; unintentional transboundary movements; handling, transportation, packaging and transit requirements; competent authorities/focal points; information sharing/clearinghouse mechanism; capacity-building; and public awareness/participation. Governments that have already submitted texts were encouraged to revise them. Proposals must be submitted by 1 August 1997.

The Secretariat will develop draft articles on: financial issues; institutional framework; scope of jurisdiction; relationship with other international agreements; and settlement of disputes. Delegates agreed that the Secretariat’s work programme for the next meeting should include creation of an alphabetical list of terms requiring definition with country submissions of definitions for each.

Regarding future studies, the document notes that Canada withdrew its proposal for a study on criteria for confidential information and decided to convene an informal roundtable discussion on commodities at or before BSWG-3. The document also notes that CAMEROON, on behalf of the G-77/CHINA, requested a study on socio-economic considerations. During the final Plenary, CAMEROON withdrew the request for the study and proposed a roundtable meeting at BSWG-3. Following a request from the Central and Eastern European States, delegates agreed to a study on existing international, UNEP, UNIDO and OECD information-sharing systems for BSWG-3.

The Chair closed the meeting by thanking everyone for their cooperative work. The EU noted its efforts to fund developing countries and encouraged other donor States to follow suit. CANADA, speaking informally for the JUSCANZ countries, congratulated the Chair for his effective plan and accomplishments during BSWG-2. The Chair adjourned the meeting at 2:00 pm on Friday, 16 May 1997.

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