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Introducing the item, the Secretariat noted that previous sessions of the Commission have receive reports from international governmental and non-governmental organizations on their programmes, policies and activities on PGRFA. Following the broadening of the Commission’s mandate, the Secretariat invited a wide range of relevant organizations to report on all aspects of agricultural biodiversity. Reports that were received in time for printing are contained in document CGRFA-7/97/7. Reports were received from the following organizations:

  • UN AND IGOS: Asian Development Bank; Commonwealth Secretariat; Convention on Biological Diversity; Global Environment Facility; Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture; International Atomic Energy Agency; International Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences; International Fund for Agricultural Development; International Office of Epizootics; UNEP; UNIDO; UNESCO; and the World Bank.
  • INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTRES OF THE CGIAR: El Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical; International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas; International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics; International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture; International Service for National Agricultural Research; and West African Rice Development Association. In its capacity as the convening Centre of the CGIAR’s System-wide Genetic Resources Programme, IPGRI consolidated these individual reports into a joint report.
  • INTERNATIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS: International Association of Plant Breeders (ASSINSEL); European Association for Animal Production; International Centre for Underutilized Crops; International Union of Forestry Research Organizations; International Committee for Animal Recording; Rare Breeds International; and Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI).
After the Secretariat’s presentation of the documentation, representatives from the CBD Secretariat, ASSINSEL, IPGRI, RAFI and UPOV made statements.