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The process was set in motion several years ago when Ambassador Juan Somav¡a, the Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations, was appointed the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to hold comprehensive consultations with Member States on the World Summit for Social Development. Somav¡a's report on the consultations, as requested by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in its decision 1991/230 of 30 May 1991, resulted in the General Assembly resolution 47/92 adopted December 1992. This resolution, "Convening of a world summit for social development," was considered in the light of resolution 45/199 of 21 December 1990, regarding the adoption of the International Development Strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade, and resolution 42/125 of 7 December 1987, in which the General Assembly endorsed the "Guiding Principles for Developmental Social Welfare Policies and Programmes in the Near Future."

Resolution 47/92 set out the following eleven objectives for the Summit: to further the objectives of the Charter of the United Nations, as stated in Article 55, to promote "higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development" and "solutions of international economic, social health, and related problems," with particular focus on social development aspects; to express a shared world-wide commitment to put the needs of people at the center of development and of international cooperation as a major priority of international relations; to stimulate international cooperation; to formulate strategies on goals, policies and priority actions; to create international awareness; to address, in creative ways, the interaction between the social function of the State, market responses to social demands and the imperatives of sustainable development; to identify common problems of socially marginalized and disadvantaged groups; to promote programmes to ensure legal protection, foster effective social welfare programmes and enhance education and training for different groups in all societies; to assist in ensuring a more effective delivery of social services for the more disadvantaged; to highlight the need to mobilize resources for social development at the local, national, regional and international levels; to make appropriate recommendations regarding more effective action by the United Nations system in the sphere of social development.

Resolution 47/92 also decided that, taking into account these objectives, the core issues affecting all societies to be addressed by the Summit are: the enhancement of social integration, particularly of the more disadvantaged and marginalized groups; alleviation and reduction of poverty; expansion of productive employment.

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