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ENB:10:01 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The PrepCom held its organizational session in New York from 12-16 April 1993. Somav¡a was elected Chair and it was decided that the Bureau would have nine Vice-Chairs and that Denmark would serve as an ex officio member of the Bureau and as a Vice-Chair. The remaining members of the Bureau were elected: Cameroon and Zimbabwe (Africa); Indonesia and India (Asia); Latvia and Poland (Eastern Europe); Netherlands and Australia (WEOG); and Mexico (GRULAC). The PrepCom adopted decisions on: 1) the Bureau's intent to meet intersessionally; 2) the modalities for the participation of NGOs; 3) national preparations for the WSSD; 4) the mobilization of voluntary resources for the WSSD Trust Fund as outlined in A/CONF.166/PC/4; 5) the intention of the Department of Public Information (DPI) to launch a public information programme on the issues and objectives of the Summit; 6) deferring a decision on organizational matters; 7) its organization of work including the task of the Preparatory Committee, a timetable and level of representation; 8) the expert group meetings; 9) the dates for the Summit and the PrepCom sessions; and 10) the provisional agenda for this first session.