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At its organizational meeting, the PrepCom requested the Secretary-General to organize expert group meetings to provide opinion on the contemporary, relevant research data on the core issues of the Summit. It also requested that the results of these meetings be forwarded to this PrepCom session.

EXPERT GROUP MEETING ON SOCIAL INTEGRATION: This meeting, organized by the United Nations and hosted by the Netherlands, was held at The Hague from 27 September to 1 October 1993. The topic of the meeting was "enhancement of social integration, particularly of the more disadvantaged and marginalized groups." The report of this meeting can be found in document A/CONF.166/PC/8.

EXPERT GROUP MEETING ON THE EXPANSION OF PRODUCTIVE EMPLOYMENT: This second expert group meeting, held at Saltsj”baden, Sweden, from 4-8 October, 1993 was organized by the United Nations and hosted by the Government of Sweden. The outcome of the meeting is contained in document A/CONF.166/PC/9.