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ENB:10:05 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


THE BUREAU: Somav¡a and the all-male Bureau will meet this morning at 9:00 am to receive feedback from each of the regional groups on the organization of work for next week. Look for the Bureau to suggest that the establishment of a Working Group of the Whole, to meet in parallel with Plenary, be postponed.

PLENARY: General debate finally<W2I> <D>ends on Agenda Items 3 and 4 when the remaining nineteen speakers finish, either this morning or early in the afternoon. The speaker's list should be Ukraine, Mauritania, Pakistan, Zambia, Romania, Bangladesh, Cuba, Malaysia, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Libya, Estonia, Jordan, Iraq, Thailand, Tunisia, Ecuador and Rehabilitation International. The Chair will open discussion on the draft Rules of Procedure for the Summit (A/CONF.166/PC/L.6). Today's comments will be reflected in a revision to be prepared for the next session of the PrepCom. Somav¡a is then expected to present an oral summary of this week's debate. Following this, he is likely to present the outcome of the morning's Bureau meeting and ask the Committee to agree on the programme of work for next week. Look for the Secretariat to be asked to rework Working Paper 1 as the basis for discussion on Monday.

NGO MEETINGS: There will be a general NGO meeting tonight from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in Conference Room 4. WSSD Coordinator, Jacques Baudot, will be the featured speaker. Also, there will be an orientation session for NGOs on Saturday at 10:00 am on the second floor of the Church Center, 777 UN Plaza.