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ENB:10:07 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: This morning the Plenary will meet informally to consider the question of productive employment. Somav¡a has encouraged delegates to suggest practical ideas and concrete proposals for action. This afternoon, the Plenary will begin discussion on the political vision for the WSSD.

LECTURE: Tim Wirth of the US State Department will speak today at 11:00 am in the Trusteeship Council Chamber on "Women, Population and Development: Toward Consensus".

NGO MEETINGS: Tony Hill of NGLS will give a briefing on the upcoming UN Review of ECOSOC accreditation for NGOs today at 2:00 pm in Conference Room C. The NGO/UN/ Delegate Dialogue is scheduled for 6:00 pm in Conference Room 6 and should include Amb. Somav¡a, Under- Secretary-General Nitin Desai and John Langemore of Australia.