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ENB:10:09 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: The Plenary will meet this morning to consider three documents to be presented by the Secretariat: a draft decision on Agenda Item 3 regarding the status of preparations for the WSSD; a draft decision on Agenda Item 4 on the analysis of the core issues; and a draft decision document regarding the documentation for the next session. It is likely that the Chair this morning will ask a small drafting group to meet in parallel with the Plenary to begin modifying the draft decision on Agenda Item 4. The Plenary will probably start with discussions on the document that deals with the status of preparations.

DRAFT DECISION DOCUMENT 1 addresses: contributions to the Trust Fund for the WSSD; the organization of seminars, workshops and other activities; the establishment of national committees and preparation of national reports; the participation of NGOs and organizations in the UN system; and the role and importance of research activities to the Summit; and raising awareness of the core issues through public information activities.

DRAFT DECISION DOCUMENT 2 addresses the outcomes of the Summit. It contains a series of basic principles that should guide the Secretary-General in the drafting process. It defines the scope and basic components of the draft declaration, the five parts of the draft programme of action and some guidelines for elements to be included. This document should also include reference to a third output of the Summit, as proposed by Canada. This involves the preparation of a multi-disciplinary synthesis background document. The Annex to Document 2 will be available on Friday and will include the elements for the draft declaration and plan of action as discussed in the general debate over the past two weeks.

DRAFT DECISION DOCUMENT 3 requests the Secretariat to prepare documentation for the August session of the PrepCom, and to include an expansion of Working Papers 2 and 3, as well as a summary of comments made at this session by Member States.

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