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ENB:10:13 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


In addition to the statements made in Plenary today, a number of governments and NGOs have tabled detailed suggestions for the draft Programme of Action. The G-77 and China tabled their initial position on the draft Programme of Action. The G-77 paper is based on L.13, but has been streamlined from 220 paragraphs to 173. Australia has proposed a new structure for the Programme of Action that would outline: the key issue; the basis for action; the objectives; and the national and international actions. Some delegates feel that the G-77 paper could provide a basis for negotiations next week. Others believe that the Secretariat should redraft the document in preparation for next week's negotiations, as originally planned. How the Australian structure, the G-77 paper and the suggestions of other governments and NGOs will be integrated will be the subject of much discussion behind the scenes in the coming days.