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ENB:10:15 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: The Plenary will discuss the draft Declaration today and, thus, complete its first reading of document A/CONF.166/PC/L.13.

OPEN-ENDED WORKING GROUP: Look for an announcement in Plenary this morning about the next meeting of the Working Group. It is likely that the Group will convene this afternoon in Conference Room 3 to continue discussing the draft Rules of Procedure and the organization of the Summit.

NGO SURVEY: A Norwegian-sponsored survey of international NGO opinion is currently being conducted to help democratize NGO access to the UN and provide input into the current ECOSOC review of NGO participation. Copies of the bright yellow survey can be picked up in Conference Room A. For more information or copies of the survey, contact Riva Krut/Harris Gleckman; phone:+1-207-775-9078; Fax: +1-207-772-3539; e-mail: