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ENB:10:19 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Working Group considered newly distributed texts on the Rules of Procedure and the preparations for the Summit.

RULES OF PROCEDURE: Most amendments concern the participation of the European Community. The only outstanding item is the number of vice presidents in Rule 6. Egypt has proposed two additional seats for Africa on the Bureau. China, supported by Egypt, India, Algeria and Tunisia, expressed concern with Rule 62 (NGOs) and requested use of the language from Rule 65 of the Rules of Procedure from the Cairo Conference.

PREPARATIONS FOR THE SUMMIT: The Secretariat's paper proposed that the Main Committee and a Plenary take place from 6-8 March. On 9 March, special representatives of Heads of State or Government and executive heads of UN organizations and programmes will present statements. On 10-11 March, the Heads of State or Government will deliver statements. The closing ceremony will take place on the morning of 12 March.

The UK, supported by Germany, Uruguay and Japan, proposed that high-level representatives deliver statements on 10-11 March alongside Heads of State or Government. Denmark proposed that on 9-12 March 1995, the Summit will be addressed by speakers in the following order: 1) executive heads of organizations and programmes of the UN system; 2) special representatives of Heads of State or Government; and 3) Heads of State or Government.