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ENB:10:20 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: The Committee will commence with Chapter V, Means of implementation and follow-up. On Wednesday evening, the Chair estimated that the draft text, with the amendments, will be 200-250 pages long. There will also be discussions on intersessional work to facilitate the work at PrepCom III. The starting point will be Amb. Richell's proposal for an open-ended "Friends of the Chair" group to produce a new draft by 1 November 1994.

PLENARY: The Plenary will convene at 3:00 pm to consider the items addressed by the Open-Ended Working Group: the draft Rules of Procedure and preparations for the Summit. The Chair is also expected to formally introduce his paper, "Elements for the draft Declaration," which should be available today in all languages as A/CONF.166/PC/CRP.3.

UNDP PRESENTATION: Dr. Mahbub ul Haq, Special Adviser to the UNDP Administrator, will speak on "New Imperatives of Human Security," today at 1:00 pm in Conference Room 3.