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After the initial discussion in Plenary, the Chair convened a "Friends of the Chair" group to discuss elements to be included in the draft Declaration. On Wednesday evening, 31 August 1994, the Chair distributed a progress report, which was later formally introduced to the Plenary as document A/CONF.166/PC/L.18. The progress report reflects the results of the informal consultations and was designed to facilitate the PrepCom's consideration of the elements, tone and style of the draft Declaration.

The draft contains four parts: Introduction; Current social situation and reasons for the Summit; Principles, common values and goals; and Commitments. The principles, common values and goals include:

  • placing people at the centre of development;
  • respecting the need for global human well-being and productive life;
  • incorporating the interdependence of economic and social, public and private spheres of activity;
  • promoting human dignity, social justice and solidarity at the national and international levels;
  • respecting and enforcing the right to development and other universally established human rights;
  • supporting progress and security of humankind as a guiding principle;
  • establishing good governance with integrity, respect, transparency, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability;
  • inviting all actors to express their personal commitment to enhancing the human condition;
  • encouraging the improvement of community participation and self-reliance; and
  • enabling and empowering all people to participate in the decisions affecting their lives and societies.
There are nine commitments: promotion of social progress and enhancement of the human condition; eradication of poverty in the shortest period possible; enabling all people to earn livelihoods through freely chosen employment; promotion of social integration; achievement of full equality between men and women; promotion of the economic, social and human development of Africa and the least developed countries; "socially-oriented" structural adjustment programmes; generation of sufficient resources; and improvement of the international economic environment and international financial assistance.

In general, delegates and NGOs praised the draft Declaration and agreed that it provides an excellent basis for further negotiations. Most of the NGOs felt that this draft infused new life into the preparatory process.

A number of delegates made specific comments on how the Declaration could be improved. Sweden called for references to strengthening the UN. Brazil urged greater emphasis on solutions for peace among nations. Benin identified the special needs of Africa and called for stronger commitments.

Indonesia recommended several changes. In Part I, emphasis should be on the balance between the three core issues. In Part II, the concepts of human security and social development, and the roles of religious leaders and NGOs should be elaborated. In Part III, the relationship between UN agencies and Bretton Woods institutions should be clarified.

The United States and the Russian Federation called for recognition of the special needs of all regions and all peoples. Slovenia and Switzerland called for stronger references to human rights. Indonesia, the Sudan, Morocco and Guatemala underscored the need to recognize the family as the basic unit for social development. Guinea called for a paragraph on children's needs. Cuba called for a new paragraph whereby States would commit to end the use of coercive measures. Belarus noted the special needs of the disabled in finding employment. Pakistan suggested a greater focus on health issues. Nepal wanted the Declaration to reflect the concerns of land-locked countries.

The Chair closed the discussion by stating that delegates have requested him to continue consultations on the draft Declaration. He called for written comments as soon as possible to facilitate preparation of the next draft.

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