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Given the slow pace of work, the Chair requested suggestions for expediting the process. The G-77 and China requested that delegations raise proposals only within regional group meetings. COMMITMENT 2(b): (provision of basic needs) The EU added references on access to employment, food security, conformity with the Cairo document for family planning, and the disabled. The US added access to primary health care and reproductive services. Australia included "indigenous peoples" after "women and children" and Japan added "human" before "basic needs." In 2(c) (access), the US added a reference to sustainable livelihoods. Switzerland added a new (c)(bis) on expanding employment and economic opportunities. In 2(d) (socio-economic protection), the EU referred to civil, socio-economic and cultural rights. The G-77 and China added "maternity" after "ill health." The US added two new paragraphs: one strengthening the role of communities and NGO participation, and another on implementation of community-based management programmes. In 2(e) (national budgets), the G-77 and China replaced "review" with "ensure" and "to orient them towards" with "meet basic needs." The EU added a reference to targeting poverty as a strategic objective. The US referred to cost-effective, community-based policies. Australia added a reference to comprehensive national implementation strategies by 1996. In 2(f) (international institutions), the EU referred to donor States developing an assessment- based approach for aid. The G-77 and China, supported by Japan, added "developed countries," replaced "institutions" with "organizations," and added "multilateral" before "financial institutions." India noted that the national segment did not include enabling activities in the field of agriculture and rural development. The US qualified "ensure" with "strive to," which the G-77 and China opposed. The G-77 and China suggested language on financial and technical assistance for lower income countries and on the removal of impediments to poverty eradication.

COMMITMENT 3: (freely chosen employment) The EU proposed a reference in the chapeau to full employment as a basic economic priority. The G-77 and China proposed an (a)(bis) on the right of disadvantaged groups to remunerated employment, stressing the importance of sustainable livelihoods. In 3(a) (creation of remunerated employment), the EU, supported by the US, agreed with the general philosophy of the sub-paragraph, but deleted "adequately remunerated." The G-77 and China, supported by Canada and Japan, strongly objected to this deletion, arguing that it was up to individual countries to develop employment policies. References were added to: disabled persons (EU); women (Norway); and the elderly (Switzerland). Norway added stronger language on workers" rights. In 3(b) (expanding work opportunities), the G-77 and China added language on secure and sustainable livelihoods for all. Canada referred to investing in basic education and skills development. In 3(c) (worker training), the US qualified the reference to worker training with "seek to." In 3(d) (options for employment creation), the EU added a reference to expanding the concept of work. They also added new paragraphs on: reconciling family and professional life; womens" access to employment and pay equity; and integration of employment strategies into trade mechanisms. The G-77 and China supported the EU"s first two paragraphs. The US deleted "and fair distribution of work" and objected to expanding the concept of work. In 3(e) (quality jobs), the US proposed language on forced and child labour. Australia called for indices recognizing womens" contribution to work. The US bracketed the paragraph and added reference to durable and long-lasting employment. In 3(f) (migrant workers), the G-77 and China encouraged ratification and full implementation of relevant instruments. The Holy See suggested monitoring the quasi- trafficking of migrant workers.

COMMITMENT 4: (social integration) The EU included "all human rights," "equality of opportunities" and "full participation of disadvantaged groups." The US referred to basic worker rights and capacity building. In the chapeau, the EU added references to equality of opportunity and Canada added respect for diversity. The G-77 and China preferred the original text. In 4(a) (promoting social awareness), Norway included human rights. The G-77 and China inserted "promoted democracy and the rule of law." The US added two new subparagraphs to precede 4(a). The first, on the elimination of discrimination in all its forms, was supported by the EU and the second, on strengthening activities of local communities and NGOs. The G-77 and China accepted them in principle. Switzerland added a new (a)(bis) on access to education. Confusion reigned supreme as delegates were unclear whether they were discussing the chapeau, 4(a), 4(a)(bis) or another variation. In 4(b) (protection of disadvantaged groups), the EU added reference to equal opportunity measures. The G-77 and China suggested alternative language regarding the disadvantaged. The US said that the paragraph does not make a distinction between disadvantage and vulnerability. The US, supported by Japan, included women, minorities and youth among the groups enumerated. Iran opposed this reference. Belarus referred to the elderly and victims of war. The G-77 and China called for a reference to inter-generational dialogue. In 4(c) (cultural diversity), the G-77 and China"s addition of religious diversity and migrant workers and their families was accepted, notwithstanding the US amendment to qualify "adoption" with "promote." Costa Rica added ethnic diversity. In 4(d) (indigenous people), New Zealand, supported by Canada and Mexico, strengthened the reference to participation and self- sufficiency of indigenous people. The EU added a 4(dd) on the cultural and religious rights of minorities. In 4(e) (institutions that enhance social integration), the EU added a reference to the central role of the family, "in all its forms, which the G- 77 and China opposed. The G-77 and China added a reference to a supportive environment. Belize, on behalf of the Caribbean Community and supported by Canada and Australia, recommended ICPD language regarding the plurality of family forms. The Holy See called for a definitional paragraph on the family. Australia added an (e)(bis) on the prevention of discrimination. Consensus was reached on G-77 and China and EU language on crime and violence. In 4(f) (ratification), the US replaced "encourage" with "urge." Paraguay referred to access to justice. The EU added "removal of reservation." The G-77 and China deleted "all" before "international instruments," added "all" before "human rights," and added a new (g) on international cooperation. Costa Rica proposed a (g)(bis) strengthening regional and subregional institutions.

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